This tool helps you generate email campaigns to promote upcoming events. The campaigns can be uploaded to a bulk
email delivery service you already use, like MailChimp, and sent to your mailing list. If you don't currently have
a service you use for this and want to try sending with your desktop email client, we offer that option as well.
Bulk Email Service?
We highly recommend using a email service provider to send bulk email to your mailing list. You will
experience higher open rates and most providers offer stats for you to track your open and click rates. If you're
interested in learning more, we recommend checking out MailChimp. They offer free plans for mailing lists under 1000
email addresses and discounts on larger plans for non-profits.
Desktop Email Software?
If you can't use a bulk service and want to try sending a graphical email using your desktop email software, please make
sure you are using Safari on a Mac, or Internet Explorer on a PC. Firefox does not offer the feature you will need,
sorry. If you can't get it to work, please consider a plain text message instead.